Geomagnetic anomalies in Indonesia belong to the eight strongest anomalous regions in the world, with Lombok island regions in Nusa Tenggara becomes the most prominent one.
The Center of Excellence in Science and Technology "Geomagnetic" at University of Mataram have consistently conducted regional surveys and aimed to perform a long term observations to provide good quality data and comprehensive analysis of regional tectonic changes, regarding earthquake mitigations as well as explorations of geothermal energy potential and natural resources.
Geomagnetic Observatory is an essential facility for long time and continuous observation of “Earth’s magnetic fields“. Earth’s magnetic fields play an important role in shielding the Earth from cosmic rays, especially strong radiations due to solar winds. Without these fields, it will become impossible to have the Earth is a secure planet for living organisms including human kinds. Geomagnetic observation in Lombok Island is very important, because of its special geographical location, which is in between high intensities of contiguous positive-negative anomalies.
3rd AEMT
1 - 5 November 2022
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