


    Preparing your Papers for Submission

    • Papers must be submitted through easychair submission system.
    • Papers must be written on A4-format page according to the IEEE template Manuscripts of minimum four (4) pages and up to eight (8) pages in length. Submissions exceeding eight (8) pages will not be accepted.
    • IEEE template manuscripts can be downloaded here
    • Papers should NOT have page numbers, headers, and footers
    • Conference papers are to be submitted electronically (*.pdf form), with file size limited to 5 MB.
    • Accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Selected papers will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® online digital library (ISBN 978-1-6654-7343-9), which are normally indexed by IEEE as well as SCOPUS and other indexing partners.
    • IEEE is very strict about the requirements for converting application files or PostScript files to full-text PDF for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®.
    • The most important issue that every author shall pay attention to is to make sure that all the fonts used in your papers are EMBEDDED and SUBSETTED, especially for papers from Asia and Europe. Failure to embed and subset fonts is the biggest obstacle to PDF compliance with IEEE Xplore® and please make sure that your PDF files are compliant with IEEE Xplore®. Papers failing to meet the IEEE Xplore® PDF requirements may be rejected.


    Each PDF for IEEE Xplore® must have all of these characteristics:

    1. Be PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5) or later but not Acrobat 9.
    2. Must be created with a PDF distiller. Scanning is not permitted.
    3. Embeds or subsets all fonts. Doing so helps makes sure that the mathematics appears as intended and improves text searching in the PDF. Please note some TrueType fonts have a setting added by the font designer that prevents the font from being embedded and should be avoided.
    4. Does NOT have a password or other security settings.
    5. Does NOT contain any bookmarks or links. Links are supported now only by using a summary.txt, readme file, and a packing list. They appear in the IEEE Xplore® TOC as multimedia.
    6. Does NOT contain crop marks, registration marks, date stamp, time stamp, or any other mark that does not appear in the official version of the publication.
    7. Does NOT contain any PostScript that overrides the settings file.
    8. Does NOT use PDF attachments.
    9. Does NOT consist of a PDF Package or Merged PDF, a PDF 1.7 (Acrobat 8) feature.


    The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (including its removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference. Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conferences/workshops/ symposia at the same time (double/multiple submissions). These matters are taken very seriously and the IEEE Communications society will take action against any author who engages in either practice.


    The presenting author should update any changes from the abstract to the final paper; such as the title and/or author information. This can be done directly via easychair.